Friday, August 14, 2009


The day you start to question life you know something is wrong... you just know!! It might not be stark at times but it’s there... it just pops up like one of those internet pop ups which put on hold everything you are doing... forcing us to look at it and if not do something then at least give it a thought! Suddenly it becomes the single most significant thing in life (!) Relationships are forgotten, deadlines become illusive and NOTHING else seems more important. Correction: nothing else IS more important. For most it can get pretty unnerving and massive depression kicks into high gear.... but for some... the strong ones the tension can be as thick as Iron Man’s suit. They however won’t give up! Always striving to get that one inch closer to the perfect life... if ever there were such a thing! Then there comes a time when these strong ones stop, wait and just ask another question...what am I doing? There we go! Another one to keep you going for... what? Two more years?! Easy! These people spend most of their lives finding the answer. To what exactly?!?! Does anyone one really know? Perhaps not... but we all know one thing. It’s all worth it in the end! Isn’t it?

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