Friday, August 14, 2009


“I’ve learned the meaning of the Sun!!” she whispered! Mother enlightenment was happy with her ward! She granted her wisdom. A modicum amount, yes! But wisdom nonetheless. And what enlightenment it brought her! Right after Kate boarded the plane for Washington, her fear of flight set in. Eyes closed she prayed. Prayed for everyone she knew and held dear and as an afterthought threw in a prayer for herself too. Might as well she thought... after all SHE was the one who was flying! After what seemed like an eternity she opened her eyes. Of course, in reality just few minutes had passed since the take-off. She looked down her window and saw the Hudson River, a thin grey strip running down the middle of the windy city. She looked up when the flight attendant asked if she could get her anything. She asked for her usual Pellegrino with lime. It came within seconds. Popping her anti-anxiety pills in her mouth, she downed it with her drink. “I’m being silly! I’ve flown a hundred times before. No reason for me to be worried now!” she reasoned, her arguments growing weaker with each subsequent one. The same routine every single time. Thank God for the book she had brought with her. She opened it, but somehow couldn’t bring herself to read. Of course this too had happened before. The thought seemed to calm her. Before she knew it she was off to sleep, her head resting on the headrest and her tongue lolling out of her open mouth. She woke with a start and made her way to the lavatory to splash some water on her face and if possible some sense as well. No luck. Both doors were shut. She waited for a minute or two. When neither door opened she returned to her seat and went back to sleep. She heard someone shout and then something cold touched her forehead. She opened her eyes and saw that the lavatory door was open. She made to move and again felt something metallic cold braise her forehead. She looked up and found a masked man, with a knife pointing in her direction, looking at her through the slits in his mask. Courage made her way into Kate’s body. She wouldn’t be afraid anymore. Not caring about the masked man, she looked out her window and saw the Sun gazing fondly back at her. The masked man heard her say something about her son. She smiled wisely as it dawned on her. The last thing Kate saw was a five sided star on the ground.

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