Friday, August 14, 2009

WMD: Words causing Massive Distress

The worst thing about life is that you know nothing for certain. You could be planning a whole day ahead which would entirely consist of reading, and the next thing you know, you trip on your glasses on your way to the bathroom. Or you could be waiting for the most awaited film release of the year, but just a day before the release your father gives you a call saying that the next day is an extremely important family event and your presence is pivotal. A succession of such events can be very, very depressing and fatal for those having humungous self-deprecation issues. Doubt, low self-esteem and worthlessness soon follow this sudden upsurge of depression. The feeling can be so overwhelming that the belief in yourself to do something even as mundane as brewing tea can stir a ripple in that deep pool of the ever present self-doubt. Then there comes a point when you stop to ask yourself the purpose of your existence or rather the lack of it. The mind wanders in the darkest of its realm and the effort makes you want to kill yourself even more. But then when you’ re so close, you chicken out which makes feel worse further because you think that you weren’t good enough to even kill yourself. Just what exactly are you trying to achieve here? Is it the pleasure you receive when you gripe about your worthlessness all day long to your acquaintances while they try to make you feel better by pointing out your finer aspects. If you think that your friends would be there for you whenever you need to whine, well then; think again. Eventually they will get bored and walk away.
Reader, there is one thing which should be etched in your mind for all eternity; there is absolutely no one but yourself in this whole world that you can depend on. The possibility of trusting some odd stranger with something as precious (?) as your life!! Some call it love. To me its blatant stupidity. Why? For one, it is terribly restraining. People who are not in love but are merely pursuing an amicable courtship will never hesitate to end the mentioned courtship if it becomes the least bit non-amicable. On the other hand, the poor unfortunate souls who are ‘in love’, will think countless times before addressing a fault in their better half because they ‘love him/her’. Strangely, it is these very people who don’t even give a moment’s thought to decisions which would redefine their lives. Where’s the impulsiveness now? Moving on to other horrendous nuances attributed to being in love (believe me, I have many.) Love has myriad definitions. Entering into a marriage without the contract, signing a lease without knowing the period it’s signed for, investing into a venture without sure returns; being some of them. No one knows how long the agony will last. They just wait for the other one to say the dreaded, “I hate you” because they know that they are never going to pluck up the courage to do the honours themselves. Perhaps they are afraid that they’ll not find anyone else. Most of them are in their late thirties when they take the plunge (midlife crisis?!) and probably think that if they let this one go, they might end up alone.
I say, so what? So what if you’re alone when you are eighty? You’re going to die one day anyway. And the person you supposedly love isn’t going to die with you. Unless of course, you both are in a shipwreck or some other disaster of that sort (remember Titanic? Even there poor Jack died alone and Rose grew old all alone reminiscing her three day but ‘splendid and eternal’ love story). What I’m trying to say, dear reader, is that why fall in love when you are eventually going to end up sad. Sure, you’ll have some good times during the whole thing, but you can have just as many good times being out of love and that too without the emotional trauma one goes through when the relationship ends.
If you think I’m being a bigot and have a personal grudge against love, then you’re mistaken. My views on friendship follow a similar thought process. What is it with friends and their million expectations and infinite unwritten and unspoken rules of conduct? And don’t even get me started on the whole thing about playing Aunt Polly for the countless emotional traumas your friends go through. So they have problems. So did Einstein, but he didn’t run to his friends every time his Theory of Relativity hit an anomaly. As mentioned before your friends will leave you in the end if it gets too much for them. Why wouldn’t they? Merely because they don’t go around advertising their sorrows does not mean they don’t have any. Then again one might argue that this is what friends are for. Pardon my slang but; give me a break! Isn’t it intensely obtuse to expect something so immersed in such illogical obscurity, that other person who has enough complications in his life already and may not reap anything from it, will listen to these infinitely tedious and monotonous tirades in any given circumstance? Would you?
However, when all seems low and mired in life’s sordid reality, a ray of hope shines from the smallest holes of the densest cobwebs in a dark alley where you lie almost dead from exhaustion; and radiating from it comes the faintest silhouette of your mother’s figure illuminating everything with her radiant all-knowing smile. Granted, the relationship you share with your mother is almost the same as the one you might share with the one you love or your friend. But I did say almost... your bond with your mum is nothing short of divine. Why is it that from the moment you were born that you could distinguish your mother’s embraces from anyone else’s?Why is it that when something’s wrong in your life, your mother is the first one to know? Even before you know it yourself. Why is it that she is the first person who comes to your mind when you encounter with life’s happy and sad occurrences? The answers to these and numerous other questions about the miraculous nature of a mother are still doused in mystery. However, the fact that she breathed life into you and that you are indebted to her for your existence may give an inkling of why is she the most important entity in your life. Then again like all important things, perhaps you might understand the importance of your mother when she’s gone. Then you will wonder where your friends and lovers are and you’ll see them... a faint dot on the horizon, soon vanishing into the oblivion. Then you’ll understand what love really is... was.
There’s only so much persuasion can achieve. The rest is up to your effective use of simple logic and sense of objectivity. Then again love is a phenomenon which does not follow any conventional norms of objective analysis. So who cares, go insane!


  1. It all unfolds on itself and entangles itself in the ineluctability of irrational love- no matter who the object of love or desire is. And yes. the mother mystery is nicely put...kind of like the mystery of love- has an always- already there presence for some of us...

  2. always-already is just about right :) Go Barthes!! :)
